jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Kinds of exchange student

As you guess, i have been spending a great time in America thanks to all the people i have met and my family support. 
But the first days of an exchange student can be the worst of his life or the best. Everything depends of how you face the situation and your reaction.

There are different kind of exchange students:
The funny accent: You don't know why but you are always laughing 
The handsome girl/Boy: Oh my gosh...sometimes we are so hot...
The athlete: Why everyone in Europe plays soccer or they are good in some sport?
The clever: The European level is higher with some subjects so our grades improve a lot in our trip, sometimes people think that we are genius or something similar

However, you may find other kind of exchange students:

The lazy or homebody: He doesn't move from home, maybe because is too frightened of the outside world or he miss his family and is skyping everytime
The shy: He doesn't enjoy at all the experience. He moves like a ghost and didn't say a lot of words because is afraid of people's reaction
The fake: Tells to everyone a fake life in his homeland. Party animal, pussy-destroyer, a badass or even a fake girlfriend
The "in my country is better" : A kind of guy that is always telling to you why your country sucks and his doesn't.
The cry girl: Often girls miss harder their families than boys. If you find someone that is having a bad time, they will thank you a lot your presence. They need help so hope to see you next to them

Hope that this guide will help you to have some more friends in the future! Meet someone out of your country will improve your cultural knowledge and you will have so much fun, I promise

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

The soccer culture:

There is no division between spring or winter sports in Spain so athletes usually practise their sport during all the year. And of course, the most famous sport is soccer. We call it "football", what has more sense, but you know, America is different.

Almost everyone played it and if not, basketball, what is the second most popular sport and people follow the American NBA for being more competitive.

A really typical habit is to invite your friends to your house, and while you are watching the game, you share some appetizers with they and everyone has a good time. When you mix this with beer, you will find the most most most most typical thing. People screaming and yelling for each play of the game and swearing really hard to the referee.

Sometimes even people starts fights for defend their team, because in Spain, this sport is almost a religion.

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

How Spaniards celebrate the new year Eve??

Partying!! How dare you ask??

But before, of course, there are some familiar tradition as meeting everyone around a table and eat like beasts. Actually in my family we often have leftovers for all the following week.

Some others families can't afford it, what's sad, but everyone does something special this days. And the whole Spain stops for ten minutes, where everyone does the most typical tradition in the new year's eve: "Las Uvas" (The Grapes), where we take one grape per each sound of the clock after midnight. There are 12 bell strokes so we took 12 grapes. People from all around Spain goes to "La Puerta del Sol" of Madrid ( Sun's Gate), the center of the city and country.

You can find there the clock that leads these sounds and all the tv channels and radios broadcast this time

The twelve grapes represent lucky for the next year and 12 wishes that you want to get in this new period of your life.

Happy new year to everyone!!