miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

The Ebola's lie

As journalist some times we have to touch tough issues, as now, Ebola.
There is a little outbreak of this illness in Spain, USA and of course, West Africa, but, seriously, why population of the whole world thinks that is going to die soon? Probably in one year no one is going to talk about this disease; it happened the same with the "mad cow disease", "pig influenza" or the "avian flu".

All this kind of "journalist's epidemias" starts at the same way:
1-Detetected an outbreak of (lets call it virusW) in the heart of Africa (really often)
2-VirusW is spread everywhere and everyone is going to die, no one knows a cure
3-Information about virusW in all the tvnews and journals, we start to see campaigns for donate money, campaigns for have clean habits...
4-The OMS starts to move money, caused by people's paranoia.
5- The Pharmacy Industries create a kind of miracle solution that eliminates the affliction but the states have to pay a great amount of money, that sometimes is only a placebo (see Tamiflu chase HERE )
6-And LATER, in maybe one month, no one remembers or care about virusW and is forgotten

Actually there are more people dying with other diseases like plain flu, Malaria or HIV than Ebola (Ebola only killed 3500 persons since 1970, the 0.000003% of the actual population of the world). Bio mathematicians studied this illness and they said that this is not going to be a long-time new.

Of course, it exists and is a real drama for the people who lives inside of affected countries, but the first world countries shouldn't be frightened and the paranoia is the real disease.

If you want to be a real journalist, contrast, search and look for real information in different media.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Are Spaniards still trading with mirrors?

Actually the Spanish construction companies work in foreign countries because the economical crisis paralyzed all the indoor projects. OHL (Qatar's underground), FCC (Arabia Saudi's underground), ACS, Ferrovial, Indra and others in the high speed train to The Mecca. This are only some of the several projects of Spain outside.

But not all of them go as they should.

Sacyr is building the Panama Canal expansion, in 2015 should be finished and the American country would amortize the cost in some years. This shortcut created by the human generates 6 millions of dollars per day and with the expansion will generate 12 millions per day. The government are really interested in this project but the Spanish company swindled the cost prices and Panama should pay more of they expected.

Around a hundred of Panamanians after know this new, they made a strike around the city, ending in the Spanish embassy, grabbing mirrors in their hands as symbol of protest against Spain and his company. But...why mirrors?

The little mirrors were a symbol of the time when Spanish were colonizing Central America and we took natives gold, changing it by mirrors, sold as "magic items". This is a metaphor of what happened there; Sacyr took the "gold" with a cheat in their accounts.

I have to say that the whole population is not angry with Spain, they are specially with this company but this issue broke the confidence between both countries and other spanish companies are having troubles to trade there and have benefits.

 A path to unite oceans have separated countries